
If you’re looking for an opportunity to tap into the empowered, adventurous, BADASS person you THOUGHT booze would help you find, look no further than Backpacking 101.

Created and led by Your Sober Pal Laura, this NEW immersive 3-day, 2-night course will help you learn new technical, physical, and mental skills to help you feel like a badass in the backcountry and empowered in your booze-free life!

You’ll learn how to adventure overnight in the backcountry; discover the healing power of nature; connect with other sober, adventurous women; and hopefully leave with an exciting new passion!

What's Included:


Lodging for night 1

Course taught by Your Sober Pal Laura (includes powerpoint slides, quizzes, and skills practice)

Gear for hiking and camping


Fun badges (rewarded based on what you accomplish on the trail)

Access to the private YSP Adventures Facebook community where you can connect with other sober, adventurous baddies

You'll learn how to:

  • Pack a backpack
  • Set up a tent
  • Filter water
  • Build a poop kit
  • Cook in the backcountry
  • Build a fire (if permitted)
  • Poop in the woods like a rockstar
  • Leave no trace basics
  • Embrace discomfort as a magical and essential part of growth
  • Connect more deeply with yourself, others and nature
  • Feel SAFE and CONFIDENT to spend the night in the backcountry


Day One:

2pm: Arrive at cabin, meet & greet, get settled in. BRING OUT THE SNACKS AND MOCKTAILS!

3pm: Gather in living room for the class with Professor Sober Pal! Laura will walk you through her powerpoint presentation, explain the gear, and more!

5pm: Break for dinner!

6pm: Time to practice packing our backpacks, setting up tents, and the poop kit building competition!

7pm: Recovery meeting

Day Two:

7am: Continental breakfast is served

9 am: Head to the trailhead

10 am: Start hiking

11am: Break for snack on the trail

1 pm: Arrive at camp, set up. Hang out by the lake, snack.

3pm: Gather for class. Learn how to dig a proper poop hole, how to operate a backpacking stove, how to properly store food overnight and more!

5pm: Dinner!

6pm: Recovery meeting

Day 3:

7am: Breakfast

8am: Badge ceremony!

9am: Pack up. Talk about Leave No Trace. Hand out badges!

1pm: Arrive at our cars. Exchange phone numbers. BESTIES FOR LIFE!


How will you keep us safe?

Laura, your lead guide, is a certified Wilderness First Responder. All supporting guides have their Wilderness First Aid and CPR certifications. We have satellite communicators and robust protocols for all adventures to ensure the safety of all participants.

And if it helps calm your nerves, we'll only be hiking 3 miles each day, the trailhead is 15 minutes from the nearest hospital, and we'll have cell service for 85% of the trip! It's a mellow trip.

How strenuous will it be?

While this course is designed to be a pleasant experience for beginners, it's important to note that you will be carrying a 30lb pack for about two hours on the trail. We ask that you please answer the medical questionnaire honestly so that we can accurately assess your readiness for this experience.

What should I bring?

We provide most of the backpacking gear, but you'll be responsible for clothing and shoes. You'll get a detailed packing list in advance so you'll be prepared!

Do I need my own backpacking permits?

No! We will be hiking under our Commercial Use Permits. However, we will teach you how to get permits for your own adventures!

Backpacking 101 Scholarships

Are you a sober girlie who is eager to learn how to adventure in the backcountry but can't afford to join? I will be awarding one scholarship for each course! I believe in the transformative power of this experience and want to ensure that financial barriers don't stand in the way of your journey.

Submit an Interest Form

If you're interested in participating in Backpacking 101, please click below to submit an interest form! In order to protect the spirit of the group, I ask that all attendees are sober.
